How we work

Responsible growing
Growing vegetables responsibly and sustainably is essential for our soil, the environment, the climate and nature on one side and, naturally, our company on the other side. For now and for generations to come. We work proactively to optimise the vegetable chain, from farm to fork. While doing so, we introduce knowledge and innovation through new forms of cooperation and business models in the chain.

Growing on contract
Each year, we establish agreements with growers and the vegetable processing industry, in other words, contract farming. This gives our customers more certainty that their demand will be answered, as we know how much land is available for growing our crops. But by planning properly, we can also take the lead in a rotation system for our crops to keep the soil in good condition for now and the future.

Together with growers association De Schakel.
For years, we have been working with vegetable growers from our grower association De Schakel. Every year, cultivation contracts are drawn up with growers in the immediate area to guarantee purchases and agreements are made for the provision of services such as sowing, harvesting, removal, supervision and planning. All this with a personal approach and maintaining a warm relationship.

No waste
Our no waste strategy runs through our entire company. Even when choosing the plots, we carefully consider which vegetables to sow in which plots using our extensive database. Among other things, we pay attention to soil health, previous crops and specific customer requirements. Moreover, even before we start sowing, our vegetables already have a destination. So we are doing everything to achieve the best result for both grower and our customer. However, this not only goes for cultivation. Also in our other processes, 'no waste' is central to the choices we make!